Hi! delighted weekend!! What are you doing? vegas is doing great!
Pre-run he enjoyed me eat oatmeal. exciting stuff.
MY most current VIDEOS
What I eat In A Day – runner edition
What I ate in a day. Food diary from a runner not currently training for a marathon or half marathon. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks plus tips.
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Marathon training Day 4
I started my day with a so-so run. My legs were just not feeling it today. but it was stunning out. A little overcast and amazing = best running weather.
I am an eating maker today and am randomly craving salty. thankfully I identified the Salt & Vinegar almonds at the store. I’ve tried these before and there is nothing saltier.
While out I finally got my hair trimmed. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my fave hair products so I’ll give ya the info soon! This looks like a fake smile, but that’s just because there was another automobile parking and I felt like a loser. Bah.
Aaaand I’m incredibly ecstatic about my new Sanuk shoes! You know I love me some Sanuk sandals and seriously live in them. Well, it’s wintertime so maybe I must wear ‘real shoes’ – kinda. The label on this literally says, “These aren’t shoes they’re sandals.” Perfect!
Now today I have a very exciting event!!! I’m headed to LA to enjoy the Oscars Red Carpet in person.
I got an invite to enjoy the Red Carpet a few weeks ago from United. I really have no idea what it’s going to be like – I just know I have to be there hours before the carpet opens and it might rain.
Wish me luck! (Because of the rain, not because I think I’m up for an award…)
Follow me on Instagram for updates!
Question: Are you enjoying the Oscars tonight?
Have you enjoyed a lot of motion pictures that are nominated? What do I have to see?
Sharing is caring!
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